Monday, September 29, 2008


It's a scary time in America. The Dow Jones is down another 600 points today as Washington has not passed the Emergency Economic Bill. Although this affects all of us, it's interesting to watch this go on. Why? Because what has essentially happened is that the crooks have been exposed. This crash of the market and fall of the banks has unmasked what we already knew about Washington but couldn't prove. Rich men and women have been running and winning seats and have been setting up shop with the help of those who have enough money to influence policy. Now, we see what they really are and they are scrambling to cover up. But they can't. Family, I am not making a political statement. They are all on the side of money, not US! No big revelation there, but this is why we need to dig into where candidates stand on issues and quit voting for candidates who look good and speak well. The bill set before the Congress is socialist. In other words it puts the government into the private sector. No matter how hard times may get, we cannot have this. And we need to start standing up for ourselves. Call your congressman and senator and demand they find another way to help us out, instead of sticking this trillion dollar band-aid on a gaping wound.

I've been thinking for some time now about getting into politics. This weekend I got a sign from God. A man stopped by on his bike. He looked like Santa claus and he was running for our state congress. After talking to the man for about a half hour it dawned on me: With all due respect, if this man could do it, I could do it better. I'm tired of these rich Ivy league schmucks running our government with their only experience being that they are plugged into the IN group through their schooling. They are not looking out for us. They are simply looking out for their rich pals. Politics as usual has never been so rampant in our government. It's time for us to vote these morons out. I am following in my father's footsteps and entering the political realm. I have a long, hard road to travel, I know, but I have nothing better to do. In the words of Peter Finch in the movie Network:

"I'm as mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore!!!"

God Bless America


Saturday, September 20, 2008


It's a beautiful autumn Saturday morning here in Southeast Michigan. I hope you are all doing well and taking a break from the rigors of weekday life. This weekend summer officially turns to fall and I hope you can all take the time, as I do, to count your blessings. If you're like me, you may find yourself falling into the pit of negativity. Just watching the evening news is enough to turn the strongest optimist into a sniveling pessimist. So it is always good to take a few minutes to take stock in how are lives are truly blessed.

Some of us may be going through some hard times--financially, physically, mentally, relationally-- but it is never a bad idea to focus on the positives in our life, no matter how hard at certain times that is to do. Some of us have lost loved ones this year. As the holidays roll around we will think of them more, but let us not become bitter for they would not want that for us. God doesn't shoot from the hip. He has a plan.

For those of you who need it, here is a quick tutorial on how to and how not to count your blessings:

How to: Although my job can be stressful at times, I am truly thankful I have one.

How not to: Although my job can be stressful at times, I am thankful for it, with the exception of that son-of-a-bitch Tom in HR with his constant lurid stories about the size of his dog's bowel movements and his boring antecdotes on how to properly mow your grass...

You get the picture.

I bring all this up because it dawned on me the other night, while watching the nightly news, that we have become accustomed to overaggression. We are people walking around with elephant guns ready to shoot at the first ant that crosses their tentacles at us. We constantly act like wild animals backed into a corner, baring our fangs and ready to pounce. In other words, we constantly have the negative at the forefront of our minds.

I see it at work. I see it on television. I see it when I drive. I see it when two people with opposing political viewpoints can't be in the same room with each other. Why is everyone so sensitive and aggressive these days? Because we don't look at the good anymore. We are being trained, by the constant force that rules this planet, to focus on the negative. It's all a part of a dastardly plan to divide and conquer, to subdue into submission.

We live in the greatest country on Earth. It is too bad that the tax payers had to bail out Fannie and Freddie and AIG, but guess how many countries around the world would have been able to do the same and avert major economic chaos? None.

As I finish here I will walk over to my bookshelf and pick out The Power of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peale. I have not read it yet, but I need to. Because all this mumbo jumbo about counting your blessings is a flash in the pan for me as well. It rises up, I am thankful for a few moments, and then it's right back to gritting my teeth and shaking my fist at a world I don't understand.

But one of the blessings I count is hope itself. Hope that one day I can see the positive, the beautiful, the magical, in everything around me, all the time. That would be heaven.

Now, feel free to comment with one or more of your blessings today.


Sunday, September 14, 2008

Sparking the political flames...

I know politics is a sensitive subject in all families, but this is THE funniest SNL clip that I've seen in years. Regardless of your political beliefs, you gotta watch this. Watch it soon as NBC will likely take this off YouTube soon (if they do, use this link instead). Oh and don't click on "Click for more videos."

P.S. I'm posting this as a registered Independent (well, sort of).

Good News

Just in case there is anyone out there that doesn't know----Lynsey and Peter are expecting a baby in February. We are going to be grandparents and can't wait.


Saturday, September 13, 2008 an idiot to a hurricane...

The media has been called many names during this presidential campaign. Sexist pigs. Left-wing hate-mongers. Elitist Liberals. How about just plain "idiots." Janet and I are laying in bed last night watching the coverage of Hurricane Ike, when it dawns on me how foolish these people really are. There was Geraldo, standing on a frigging beach in Galveston, Texas trying to do a report while 100 mile-per-hour winds are blowing past him, the water is visibly rising behind him, and debris is sailing past his body so fast the camera can hardly pick it up. The satellite feed keeps going out intermittently, he can hardly stand up, his toupe is clinging to the last bit of scalp glue (or whatever they use to keep those rugs on), and he just won't shut up. I don't wish ill-will on anyone but I found myself hoping that a two-by-four would sail past and smack him in the head.

This is indicative of the vulture media we have today, ruining every decent news item by overkill. Why do these reporters feel the need to stand outside in the middle of a hurricane? Why can't they report from an indoor, safe structure that has a window where we can see what's going on outside? Heck, buy each reporter a frigging Pope-Mobile. They can drive around in the glass with the microphone in hand, reporting as the debris sails harmlessly past their reinforced, bulletproof God-box. After all, don't most of these media elitists think they're right on par with the Pope anyway?

To me, all these fools are really doing is showing that they WANT to be brave. They want to be heroes to the eyes of the public, so they elect to run outside during a wind-storm to do a report that really tells us nothing new. We aren't stupid. We can see the wind blowing. We can see the water rising. When a 26-foot charter fishing boat goes sailing past the camera I know how serious are the winds of a hurricane. I don't need Geraldo taking ten minutes to tell me what I can gather by sight in a few seconds.

Leave the heroism to the men and women who are keeping us safe and free from Obama, er, I mean Osama bin Laden and his band of merry terrorists. And when one of these reporters does get biffed by a two-by-four and ends up de-domed on television, I don't want to hear that he/she was a hero. Although that would be some good watchin.'

Now that that's out of my system, I can concentrate on the price-gauging that is going on at the gas stations.

Stay tuned.


Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Family Matters

I created this blog as an avenue, a community center if you will, where our family can come to meet. The directions to this gathering is just a click of the mouse and a fast trip, depending on your Internet speed, along the electronic highway. We are all busy people. We are scattered around the continent. We are working on a career, working to build a house, working to fill our retirement time, working too damn much. We are married, single, divorced. We are young, middle-age, younger-than-we-think, older-than-we-think, and just plain older. We are democrat, republican, independent, apolitical. We are Buckeye fans, Wolverine fans, Volunteer fans, Wildcat fans. We are film lovers, television lovers, YouTube lovers. We are in-laws and outlaws. We are Mothers, Fathers, Sisters, Brothers, Aunts, Uncles, Nieces, Nephews, Grandmothers, Grandfathers and Grandchildren. We are ALL a family.

I cannot tell you how many times I have heard family news second-hand. It's understandable because if any of you are half as busy as me you are BUSY. This blog is designed as our community. Post whatever you like. You can let us know of an event in your life, an illness, a success story--anything significant or trivial. If you want to pass along a website or a link to something interesting, leave it here. If you or someone you know needs prayer, let us know. In simpler terms, this is for us. Let's use this incredible technology that will ultimately end this beautiful world for something good. I can tell you that I will be pontificating from time-to-time myself. I like to discuss issues of the day, culture, even the latest on Britney Spears. Don't blame me when I do. YOU made me this way. That brings me to one rule: be civil and LOVE.