Monday, September 29, 2008


It's a scary time in America. The Dow Jones is down another 600 points today as Washington has not passed the Emergency Economic Bill. Although this affects all of us, it's interesting to watch this go on. Why? Because what has essentially happened is that the crooks have been exposed. This crash of the market and fall of the banks has unmasked what we already knew about Washington but couldn't prove. Rich men and women have been running and winning seats and have been setting up shop with the help of those who have enough money to influence policy. Now, we see what they really are and they are scrambling to cover up. But they can't. Family, I am not making a political statement. They are all on the side of money, not US! No big revelation there, but this is why we need to dig into where candidates stand on issues and quit voting for candidates who look good and speak well. The bill set before the Congress is socialist. In other words it puts the government into the private sector. No matter how hard times may get, we cannot have this. And we need to start standing up for ourselves. Call your congressman and senator and demand they find another way to help us out, instead of sticking this trillion dollar band-aid on a gaping wound.

I've been thinking for some time now about getting into politics. This weekend I got a sign from God. A man stopped by on his bike. He looked like Santa claus and he was running for our state congress. After talking to the man for about a half hour it dawned on me: With all due respect, if this man could do it, I could do it better. I'm tired of these rich Ivy league schmucks running our government with their only experience being that they are plugged into the IN group through their schooling. They are not looking out for us. They are simply looking out for their rich pals. Politics as usual has never been so rampant in our government. It's time for us to vote these morons out. I am following in my father's footsteps and entering the political realm. I have a long, hard road to travel, I know, but I have nothing better to do. In the words of Peter Finch in the movie Network:

"I'm as mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore!!!"

God Bless America


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, no! Are you sue about what you are saying? Why don't you call up Joe the Plumber and get on his team. Talk to him, he sounds just like you.

Maybe I'll be able to sleep in that Lincoln Bedroom yet!!! :)

Love ya,